1 month in the USA

Incredible, one month is already gone since I came to Palo Alto. The time is going so fast here. So it is probably time me to look back and summarize my first impressions... First impressions My first thought when I came here was: oh my God, I'm in a Hollywood movie. Actually when you live in every European country and you watch an american movie you don't think that the action is happening near your house, because everything is little bit different. Other houses, other cars, other policemen and even post boxes. When you are here you see that everything looks really like in a movie. Same small, very elegant, maintained houses, huge pickups, policemen with their shiny badges and post boxes with a red flag, which rises when a letter is inside. Households differences All kinds of measures are different from Europe. Instead of kilometers - miles, instead of kilograms - pounds, etc. If you will say to an American let us meet up at 17:00 o'clock - he won't ...